Numbers Ending Sept 1


The Contest

Don’t hold me to any of these numbers from the week ending September 1st.  It appears that not many people posted their numbers last week or I lost them in the storm. SHONNIE where are you HIDING your numbers. 😛

Name Initial Weight Total Loss % LossTotal Sept 1 Weekly Loss
AbbieWatters 285 3.4 1.19% 281.6 0
Betty Not Posting Not Posting Not Posting Not Posting Not Posting
Cory B 254 2 0.79% 252 0
FitBy40Ms 257.4 5.4 2.10% 252 1.2
Food Addict 197.2 5 2.54% 192.2 4.2
J 168.5 +1.3 +0.77% 169.8 +1.9
Kadel 180.5 0 0.00% 180.5 0
Kathie 269 12 4.46% 257 0
ManIsMyShadow 282.4 6.2 2.20% 276.2 0
Sam 178 1 0.56% 177 0
Shonnie 182 +7.5 +4.12% 189.5 0
SkinnyCat64 165 7 4.24% 158 0
Slim Joan 181.8 +0.2 +0.11% 182 +1
Testing True Change 187 +0.1 +0.05% 187.1 0.5
The Grumpy Man 185 8.7 4.70% 176.3 +0.7
Tiffany 280 22.2 7.93% 257.8 0

Congratulations to all who lost weight and also to those who continue to try.

Tiffany continues to have a huge lead if I listed her starting weight correctly. Shockingly awesome amount of weight loss……

Not sure anyone can catch her, but I am in FULL HERMIT BUNKER MODE….


I have 24 days until the end of the competition and I can still reach my goal if I give 100%. So full hermit bunker mode here I come.

Where is everyone hiding??? Get back to work and POST THOSE NUMBERS by tomorrow. 😀

Today’s Menu

I haven’t a clue. I’ve been eating MREs  and cheating all over the place since the hurricane hit. I need to head to the store and get back to Atkins.

I’ve been avoiding the store because I am sure it is still a nightmare with a billion people trying to replace all of the food they tossed out after the hurricane. I keep using that excuse so I’ll probably head that way later and pick up some salad, pork loin, cheese and chicken so I can get back to my regular menu.

Today is my day off but I need to make up 36 hours at work because of the hurricane so I went in for 5 hours this morning. It is Friday so that means I was tormented by 6 GIANT boxes of donuts.

I actually wasn’t tempted this morning. The horrific numbers on the scale the last couple of days kept me from being tempted. On top of all of the hurricane eating, I had my Fantasy Football draft on Tuesday which involved a large amount of pizza and hot wings. Then the next day, the Wednesday Free Lunch got me. I’m lucky to be where I am on the scale. I should be skyrocketing to the moon.

I’m waiting until the last second for my official weight this week because there is no way I am going to post my Thursday weight!

Tip Of The Day

I know some people disagree but for me, I need to get on that scale EVERY morning. When I don’t, I eat too much. Out of sight, out of mind. I need to see the damage when I cheat to STOP the cheating. This tip was never more evident than the last 10 days. I should have brought the darn scale with me. Had I done that, I have no doubt my weight would be MUCH lower than it is at the moment.

Happy Dieting, see you tomorrow with the Week Ending Sept 8 results

The Grumpy Man