Day Off Thursday

In case you don’t know, one day a week I always skip my bike ride. Up to this point it has always been on Wednesday but I decided last week that I would move it to Thursday because I have a late afternoon conflict that makes me skip my ride most Thursdays. It was great taking today off and not having to stress over the ride. 😀

Biking Update

My legs were sore from the 20 mile ride on Tuesday. Miraculously, the skipping gear mess that was hounding me Tuesday disappeared yesterday. I didn’t do a single thing, yet the constant gear slippage stopped on its own accord. 😀

I stayed in the middle front gear the whole time but I did shift up and down in that gear depending on the wind.  It is going to take my legs some work to feel comfortable in this gear.

Lately, the wind has been nailing me on the last 3 miles of the ride which is a big pain.  The ride wasn’t too bad, especially since the gear problem went away on its own. 😀

Road Marker 410 – 10 Miles

Weight Statistics


I knew I was in for a bump up today. I was up late fixing my computer from the darn malware that hit me. I was starving around 12pm and I couldn’t stop my hand from grabbing a burger and cheese. 😦

Yesterday’s Meal Plan

Breakfast – Burger and cheese

Lunch – Tuna salad

Dinner – Broiled chicken with salad

Snack – Burger and cheese, string cheese

Calories – 1550

Computer Update

It took me many different scans to find everything, but it appears (fingers crossed and wood knocked on) that my computer is once again malware free.  I rebooted in safe mode and ran TDSSKILLLER and Malwarebytes. They found nothing. I removed a program from the computer and hoped that did it. It did not.

Went back to safe mode and ran everything again. This time Malwarebytes found something and removed it. I also ran COMBOFIX which also found some things and removed them. I then reloaded back into normal mode and ran ESET Online Scan.  It found one thing and removed it.  I then ran Malwarebytes again followed by HitmanPro. Neither found anything and at this point my computer was behaving better.

Tip Of The Day

You need to stay positive and just understand there will be oddball days and plateaus. You can’t let either frustrate you. I am a bit Grumpy about the bounce up today. I am hoping to hit 173 before July 4th because I KNOW I will have a nasty bounce after my July 4th meal.  It could get ugly on the 4th. I know I am having a couple of hot dogs and I may be going somewhere for dinner too. Ouch.

But, those little bumps don’t get to me too much anymore because this isn’t a race to the finish. It is a new lifestyle of maintenance and watching my weight. If I gain a few pounds, no problem, I will lose them in a few days.

Don’t let frustration get you down and lead you to more cheats. It is a certain fact that if you keep working hard the weight will come off. So stay positive and vent frustration when you need to. 😀

Happy Dieting, see you tomorrow




Short Post Wednesday

I’m currently all malwared up on my computer and I have been working on it all afternoon to clean the nonsense up.  I have a scan running now so my computer is very slow thus I am only giving a short report tonight.

Weight Statistics


Nice dip. I was expecting a drop after my 20 mile ride yesterday.

Yesterday’s Meal Plan

Breakfast – Burger and cheese slice

Lunch – Broiled chicken and salad

Dinner – Burger, cheese slice and salad

Snack – None

Calories -1450

I was really starved last night because I ate dinner at 4pm then rode my bike 20 miles. It took all my willpower to keep from ripping the fridge door off and eating everything in sight.

Biking Update

I was feeling guilty about my bad bike week last week so I decided to tackle the 20 mile ride early in the week instead of waiting until the last-minute on Saturday.

I also messed with the gears again. I rode for a little while in the large front gear which wore my legs out quickly, then I settled in the middle gear for a while, then back to the smallest gear for a bit.

When I left, there was almost no wind and no ugly weather in sight.  The first 10 miles really wore me out messing with the new gears.  I took a water break at the 12 mile mark and noticed some ugly weather.  I took another water break at the 14 mile mark and noticed the bad weather was catching up to me quickly.

Unlike my rain ride on Sunday, this time there was lightning shooting off all over the place in this storm.  I was totally worn out trying to race home and on top of being worn out something happened to the gears around the 10 mile mark and they kept slipping. Not sure what the heck was wrong but it was really aggravating and nothing I did would make it stop.

The final three miles were agony.  On the way out there was no wind. On the way back, gale force winds buffeted me for the final three miles.

I beat the rain and lightning by just a few minutes. I sat on the stairs for about 10 minutes and watched the wind go crazy with lightning dancing all over the place.

Road Marker 660 – 20 miles

Tip of The Day

If you use your computer for logging your food and for online support make sure your computer stays healthy.

1. Keep your anti-virus up to date.

2.Have Malewarebytes on your computer

3.Pay attention to stupid pop up  advertisements  and never click ok.  😛

I was watching something and wasn’t paying attention to the box that popped up. I thought it was just the normal update firefox box, but alas it was not.

Keep your computer healthy so your computer can aid you in your weight loss journey.

Happy Dieting, see you tomorrow


The Grumpy Man


Nap Time!

Biking Update

I had the best of intentions on Monday but I sat on the couch to put my socks and shoes on and the next thing I knew it was dark outside. 😛

Don’t worry, I got my ride in today. More on that tomorrow.

Weight Statistics


Boggles my mind to see 175.  Just unbelievable.  I am not even sure the last time I weighed 175.  Maybe somewhere around the summer of 82 when I was 13.  I am now just 10 pounds from my final goal.  It has taken me 16 difficult months but every single bit of pain and misery has been worth it. 😀

I really smoked Cad to the 175 mark. He is stuck at 195. I offered to make a bet with him to see who  could lose 10 pounds faster but given the fact I crushed him to 185 and he wasn’t even in the game on the race to 175, he passed on a final bet. 😀  Cad has been great. His incessant posting about his bike led me to my bike purchase. I guess that is a good thing. 😛

Yesterday’s Meal Plan

Breakfast – Burger and cheese slice

Lunch  – Eggs with pepper jack cheese

Dinner – Broiled Chicken with salad

Snack – String cheese

Calories – 1450


I was over at my sister’s apartment doing a GIANT load of laundry around lunch time.  I was starved. I only had one option for lunch. Eggs. Guess what? I still hate them. I loaded them with cheese but I was unaware until after I ate the eggs that the cheese was some low sodium tasteless pointless cheese.  The cheese was bad and I grabbed the wrong seasoning blend so it might have been the lame cheese or the Italian seasoning I did not like. Probably a combination of all 3.

Tip Of The Day

This could almost be a rant. Be careful or avoid the energy bars. Those things are just slightly lower in sugar and calories than a snickers bar. Heck, even the “low carb” Atkins approved bars aren’t much better than candy bars and once you have one, you can’t have any more carbs all day.

Just avoid the energy bar aisle entirely. It really isn’t much different from walking down the candy aisle. 😛

Happy Dieting, see you tomorrow


The Grumpy Man


Biking Update

So I head out to do my bike ride late in the afternoon yesterday when all of a sudden a small angry cloud starts dropping rain on me. I decided the small cloud was not a good enough excuse to call it a day. I headed up to the levee in a light sprinkle.  The flag appeared to be blowing to the east so the storm should have been moving away from me.

It didn’t.  There were black clouds to the left of the levee and to the right, there were a few clouds and the sun. Even though there didn’t appear to be any clouds over my head, I kept getting rained on. About 3 miles into the ride, I finally came to the realization that once again that stupid flag was a liar. Even though it was blowing in one direction, the storm seemed to be moving in another.

It rained on me for about the first 4 miles which wasn’t too bad because it kept things cool. By the time I turned around, the rain had stopped and the humidity spiked as the rain began to evaporate.

I stayed on the middle front gear now that I have a slight clue on how to change gears. The bad thing is I now feel like I am starting all over again. My legs are weak and get tired fast on the middle front gear.

Road Marker 410 – 10 Miles

Overall, not a bad ride considering I still didn’t feel 100% and I could very easily have used the rain as an excuse to head back into the apartment. I wanted to get a good start on the week so I forced myself up on top of that evil levee.

Weight Statistics


I had a feeling I would gain some weight back from the Saturday night illness loss. I knew I was probably a bit dehydrated yesterday morning, so I was expecting a little bounce up. It still makes me a bit grumpy even though it was expected. 😛

Yesterday’s Meal Plan

Breakfast – Burger and cheese slice

Lunch – Tuna and salad

Dinner – Broiled chicken with salad

Snack – None

Calories -1200

I was able to stay away from extra burgers last night. I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t have any snacks last night. I need to keep that up.

I may be moving off of Atkins induction for a bit. I think my stomach problems could be a bit fiber related so I may go back to the beans for a bit with my next trip to the store.

Tip Of The Day


No matter what diet you are on, you will need to take something to make up for the vitamins and minerals that are no longer part of your regular diet. I take a multi-vitamin and some fiber supplements although I forget the fiber supplements way too often which can lead to stomach problems because I do low carb.  Low carb doesn’t have much fiber so I take psyllium husk supplements.

I’m not a doctor so I have no idea which are the best to take. My doctor just told me to take a good multi-vitamin and many people suggested the fiber supplements. What do you take?

Sometimes the supplements aren’t enough and then it is time to change the diet a bit. In my case, I think I might move back to beans for more fiber. The problem with that is I always end up eating too many and stalling my diet.  😦

Make sure you take your vitamins every day and make sure you are getting enough fiber.

Happy Dieting, see you tomorrow


The Grumpy Man



Thanks to my little stomach ailment yesterday afternoon and evening I dropped 2 pounds. That put me near the 175 mark thus giving me VICTORY over Cad yet once again.

Weight Statistics


I drank a lot of water last night, but I imagine there is still a chance the weight will bounce up a little bit tomorrow as my body rehydrates.

Yesterday’s Meal Plan

Breakfast – Burger with cheese slice

Lunch – Tuna and salad

Dinner – Broiled chicken and salad

Snack – Burger and cheese slice

Calories – 1500

I know I mentioned that I wanted to get down to one burger a day, but that was after I had my second burger yesterday. I did keep it to one today. 😛

I am still loving the broiled chicken. I went back to tuna for lunch, but I am not a fan. I can barely tolerate it but I can’t think of anything else that is easy to fix and cheap. 😀

Biking Update

No ride yesterday. As I mentioned I was ill. I still almost headed out and it was a wise choice on my part to stay home. I felt better today although I am still not 100%. I should be 100% by tomorrow.

Even though I was not 100% today I did make it up to the levee. More on that tomorrow.

Tip Of The Day

Support groups

I can’t stress how important they are. You don’t have to join Weight Watchers or some self-help group. There are tons of online forums where you can meet new people who will help you through the tough times.

My friendly competition with Cad has actually helped me a ton since September of last year. Now that I whipped him to 175, I am not sure what to do. I think I need to find someone else and race them to 165. 😀

Being able to vent with people who understand what you are going through is a very powerful tool. It may not seem like much but it really can make a difference and get you over the hump.  Trying to be an Island is not the best way to go about your diet. Get as much support from as many places as possible.

The best support will come from other people dealing with the same problems as you.  I haven’t tried the forums but that site is very active so I think that is a good place to start if you can’t find any. I have a link to the right.

Weight Watchers is great. I know Optifast is very good with support. If you don’t want to spend money like me, there are millions of places to vent and get support online and they help immensely. 😀

Happy Dieting, see you tomorrow



The Grumpy Man