





Published in: on January 31, 2012 at 6:25 am  Leave a Comment  

The Dark Horse

Uh oh! I was spending my winnings too soon. We have a new dark horse emerging in the office competition. The National Guard guy decided to get serious and ran 6 miles a day over the weekend and dropped 5 pounds. If he can keep that up, he will blow past me. 😦

Oh well. I’m pulling for him anyway because he needs to lose weight to keep his job with the National Guard.

I just got back from a birthday party and I only did a fair job hanging on to my willpower. I had a chicken tortillas and a steak tortillas. The tortillas were low carb and I might need to look into those things (La Banderita Low Carb Soft Taco). They were tasty and only 5 net carbs and 81 calories.  I would give myself a passing grade if I had stopped there but the chicken and sautéed onions kept screaming out to me. The scale might be a tad ugly tomorrow.

Weight Statistics


Half pound bounce up this morning. Not sure why. I had a great day yesterday with only 1450 calories and  a normal sodium load. Tomorrow the sodium bug might bite me. Calorie wise, I think I did just fine but I am sure the chicken and steak had a touch of salt.

Today’s Menu

Breakfast – Turkey burger with cheese

Lunch – None

Dinner – 1 steak tortillas, 1 chicken tortillas with onions and peppers. Chicken with onions and peppers

Snack – Turkey burger with cheese

Calories -1500

The calories might even be a tad lower than that or maybe slightly higher but that is probably a pretty decent estimation. As I said, the sodium will get me not the calories. Looks like a repeat of last week with a great Sunday weigh-in and then gains leading up to the Wednesday weigh-in.


I want to give a shout out to two ladies who have been following the blog and working hard to lose weight. Hey Janice! Hey Rebecca! Keep up the great work! 😀

Computer Update

The  order was processed on Saturday and was supposed to ship today but as of the last tracking update it was still sitting up in NJ. I feel a rant coming on….. 😛

Tip Of The Day

Weigh yourself at least once a week. I actually think daily is best but I understand the pros and cons of waiting a week vs daily. Daily fluctuations can cause people to quit but you can have the same fluctuations if you weigh once a week.

BUT… don’t go longer than a week. The scale keeps you honest. The second you abandon the scale is the second you get in deep water and every day away from the scale is one day closer to quitting.

The scale keeps us accountable and keeps us moving in the right direction.  That doesn’t mean we have to like the lies that stupid scale spouts out from time to time. 😀

Happy Dieting, see you tomorrow



The Grumpy Man

I Don’t Like Mondays…

Another unexplained Monday bounce up!

That is all for now. 😛


Nice Dip!

No. no, no. Not that kind of dip. Although that looks pretty good now that I take a long look at it.  Velveeta used to be an essential food group back when I was at 323, but I haven’t touched Velveeta in almost 2 years.

The dip I am talking about is the weight I dropped Saturday and the good news is that it stayed off today.

Weight Statistics


I dropped two pounds from Friday to Saturday and I had a small dip this morning. I’m still nervous because last Sunday my weight loss was looking just as good and then the Phantom Weight Gain hit me on Monday.

I’m hoping the weight loss sticks tomorrow morning. If it does I should have at least a 3 pound loss this week for the Biggest Loser Competition.  I need a great week with Gail knocking the door down behind me.

Today’s Menu

Breakfast  – Turkey burger with cheese

Lunch – Baked chicken with salad

Dinner – Baked chicken with salad

Snack – Turkey burger with cheese

Calories – 1450

I have a couple of dangerous meals this week. Actually 3 if I count the Wednesday office lunch. Tomorrow night I need to behave at a birthday party. I’ve been told the menu will be carb friendly. I can make a low carb wrap or just eat the chicken or beef with a salad.

Wednesday is always a minefield at work.  Then next Friday night, my college roommate will be in town. He is headed out on a Bahamas cruise Saturday but he gets in Friday afternoon. I need to find an interesting place to eat that has healthy options on the menu.

Computer Update

I pulled the trigger and ordered all the parts for a new computer. Everything is coming from NewEgg and being shipped to my office. Now I just need to pray all of the parts arrive in working condition. I don’t have the faintest idea how you figure out which piece isn’t working if the computer won’t turn on. Wish me luck. I hope it will all arrive by close of work Friday so I can build it on Saturday.

Tip Of The Day

When you go out to eat, try to steer your friends and family to healthy restaurants. My old college roomie eats healthy all the time so it shouldn’t be a problem. Well, in theory. I am not sure I will steer us to a healthy spot. I haven’t had a real cheat in almost 4 weeks so I am not sure I will have the willpower to steer us to healthy.

BUT….. do as I say, not as I do. Try to hit up a nice healthy restaurant or at least a restaurant with a few healthy options. I have been checking menus online to see where we should go and I like to pick some healthy options from the menu before heading to the restaurant.

The key is to pick your meal from the online menu and then DON’T TOUCH the menu when you get to the restaurant. Once the aromas of the restaurant hit your nose, it will be very hard to stick to your game plan which is why you need to keep the menu shut.

Easier said than done, I know.

Happy Dieting, see you tomorrow




The Grumpy Man

Boring Post!

Not much going on…. I seem to be stuck this week…..

Stuck in Plateausville!!! 😛

Weight Statistics


I dipped a little bit today but I am still heavier than last Sunday (167.6) even though I didn’t cheat all week. My body is retaining water for some reason because there is no way I gained any real weight this week.

Today’s Menu

Breakfast – Turkey burger with cheese

Lunch – Baked chicken with salad

Dinner – Baked chicken with salad

Snack – Turkey burger with cheese

Calories – 1450

Another good day of eating. I’m sick of this plateau. I still have a slight lead over Gail in the office competition but she only needs to lose 1 pounds to pass me. 25% of the way through and I think Gail is the only serious competition unless a dark horse emerges. One of the other competitors is in the National Guard and he needs to lose some weight or he is out of the Guard so he has some serious motivation.  He could emerge as the underdog and I wouldn’t mind losing to him if he gets to stay in the Guard.

Computer Update 

I’ve decided to buy all of the components and build my own computer. I can save about $500 and have an awesome system BUT…… This could be more frustrating than the Bike Incident at Walmart (see early March of 2011).

From the reviews I have read… it seems that computer components are DEAD ON ARRIVAL (DOA) quite often.  I may pull the trigger tomorrow so the components should arrive in time for me to work on it next weekend.

Keep your fingers crossed and say a few prayers.  I need 9 components to arrive safely and undamaged. I don’t like those odds.

I’ve used NewEgg in the past for electronics so I plan to use them to buy everything. The seem to be pretty good about solving problems when they arise. When my monitor died several months back, I ordered from NewEgg and received it the next day even though I didn’t use next day shipping.

Now NewEgg owes me money for that little plug, but alas I am still waiting on my Taco Bell money for the zillion times I mentioned them on this here little site. 😛

Tip Of The Day

Plateaus – What To Do?

I don’t know. 😛

I kid. 😛

There are a few schools of thought when you hit a plateau.

1. Wait it out.

2. Exercise more.

3. Fast.

4. Binge.

I’ve tried all of them in the past.  Many times, I was told that to kickstart my metabolism, I need to have a big calorie day to fool my body into thinking the famine was over. I used this as an excuse to hit Taco Bell a few times. In the end, all I did was gain a pile of weight and then I needed to lose that which took several days.  Had I just kept doing the right things, I probably would have broken the plateau in less time than it took to lose the Taco Bell weight.

I understand the concept but think it probably takes longer to lose the binge weight than to just plod ahead doing the same thing.

Exercising more can help speed the metabolism, but as you know I don’t like pushing exercise because it can lead to burn out.

Fasting for a short period can actually help but for some people, they try a fast and then get so hungry that they end up cheating and going crazy.

At the end of the day, I think the best way to push through the plateau is to stick with your diet, and normal exercise routine. Eventually your body will respond. In theory….. 😛

Happy Dieting, see you tomorrow



The Grumpy Man

Published in: on January 27, 2012 at 9:07 pm  Comments (4)