Uh Oh!

After reading some of the MASSIVE drops from people this week, my eyes almost bugged out of my skull.  I’m still waiting for confirmation on one GIANT drop. Kudos if true, but I need to confirm it isn’t a typo.

If people are going to lose that darn much weight, I might need to add exercise into the equation. You ladies and gents better pray there were some typos or this contest is going to get TOUGH real fast. 😀

I need some gym equipment.

Weight Statistics


Rats! I’m not sure where my Atkins WHOOSH went. I’m going to have to really step up my game to keep up with you weight losing demons. Heck, I’ve been just about flawless for the week but I feel a gain coming. I feel the phantom weight gain looking over my shoulders.

Today’s Menu

Breakfast – Pork loin with cheese

Lunch – None

Dinner – Chicken with salad

Snack – Pork loin with cheese

Calories – 1050

Sweet N Low – 4

Why can’t every day be like today? For most of the day there were NO temptations floating around the office.  MOST of the day. Later in the day, I discovered the freezer is full on blue bell ice cream cups and then someone showed up with red velvet cupcakes. 😛

The good news is I was rushing to get something done with a deadline approaching so I didn’t have time to think about those darn RED VELVET cupcakes.

The bad news is those darn ICE CREAM CUPS are sitting in the freezer like a ticking time bomb!

Tomorrow will be a big test. Maybe I should take another 1/2 day vacation to avoid the free lunch. 😛

Happy Dieting, see you tomorrow

The Grumpy Man







Why grumpy? Why not? 😛

First off it is Monday and I woke up feeling like I had about 4 minutes of sleep last night. I laid down, rolled over and then rolled back over to look at the clock and somehow it was time to get up. I hate it when that happens. 😛

Then someone had the unmitigated gall to bring in a Peanut Butter Cake for breakfast.

That stupid cake was still hanging around, tempting me at 3pm. Finally around that time someone ate the last piece.  I almost never buy peanut butter but I have actually been craving some lately so a Peanut Butter Cake was just mean. 😀

I had another webinar to host during lunch and this time I was a bit more proactive in checking nutritional information BEFORE eating the salad. Unfortunately, after reading the nutritional information, I decided to just skip lunch.

The place we were ordering from didn’t have a healthy salad. Oh, I guess I need to take back my attack on Roly Poly last week because the place we ordered from today also listed DRESSING in  a separate section of the nutritional information AWAY from the actual salads. 😛

I was more than a little hungry by the time I got home this evening. Good thing I don’t have any junk food laying about because I would have jumped on it the second I opened the door.

Weight Statistics


I think I have probably squeezed out about every last drop of excess water. I think the hard part starts from here on out. I need some Atkins magic to kick in. I was STARVING today with bad food all over the place. If I am this hungry on Wednesday, I might not be able to withstand the Free Lunch.

Today’s Menu

Breakfast – Pork loin with cheese

Lunch – None

Dinner – Baked chicken with salad and cheese

Snack – Pork loin with cheese

Calories -1300

The number was fine, but I ate almost all of those calories for dinner and I probably used a tad too much salt and hot sauce. I shouldn’t have a bump up tomorrow but you never know with my mean scale.

The Contest

Name Initial Weight August 4th
AbbieWatters 285
Betty Not Posting Not Posting
Elisa 208
FitBy40Ms 257.4
Food Addict 197.2
J 168.5 166.2
Kadel 180.5
Kathie 269
ManIsMyShadow 282.4
Sam 178 177
Shonnie 182
SkinnyCat64 165
Slim Joan 181.8 179.8
Testing True Change 187
The Grumpy Man 185
Tiffany 280

HEY!!! It isn’t too late to join in on the FUN!  I will continue to add names to the contest list until the close of business on August 1st.  Quit thinking about going on a diet. START NOW! 😛

All contestants need to have their WEEK 1 weight in by Saturday. Oh, and check the information above. Make sure I enter the right info. We don’t need this guy checking results at the last-minute at the end of the contest…..

Happy Dieting, see you tomorrow

The Grumpy Man

Week 1

J has thrown down with a 2+ pound week. That is the sobering news. The good news is that he can’t keep it up since J doesn’t have  much left to lose. Although I said the same thing about Gail in the office contest and she kept losing until she almost disappeared. 😛

Last Week was the initial weigh-in so I am calling this week 1. Toss your weight out anytime during this week and I’ll add it to the spreadsheet.

Weight Statistics


I’m not far behind J. Once Atkins kicks in I should get a nice boost.  I should be in full-blown Ketosis at the moment. I’ve been under 20 carbs for two days so that should be long enough to be back in Ketosis.  I’m hoping for the

WHOOSH to hit tomorrow but I already dropped a pile of water weight so I am not sure it will happen like it normally does.

Today’s Menu

Breakfast – Pork loin with cheese

Lunch – Pork loin with cheese

Dinner – Baked chicken with salad

Snack – Pork loin with cheese

Calories – 1250

Sweet N Low Count – 2

I really need to figure out some snacks I can eat.  Next time I hit Sam’s I might give individual packs of nuts a shot.  I don’t want to burn out on pork loin and that is going to happen if I keep eating so darn much of it. Not many options when you are trying to keep super low carb and low sodium. 😛

Technology Is Crazy

Bob Ross has been dead for almost 20 years, but here he is singing a new song.

Same thing for good old Mr. Rogers.

I know lots of people hate the Autotune program but this is a use that I wholeheartedly endorse. 😀

PBS! Do parents still get their kids to watch PBS? We watched it because we only had 4 options on the tv set. I’m guilty of almost never watching PBS anymore. About the only time I watch is when they have something good on Masterpiece like Sherlock, Downton Abbey or Wallander. Support your local PBS station. 😀

Tip Of The Day

None of us are going to perfect with the diet over the next two months. Progress not perfection is what you should strive for.

If you set perfection as your goal then once you stumble it will be easier to convince yourself that you might as well spiral out of control.

It is very easy to get demoralized when you think of the long road ahead. Don’t do that. Get through each day and measure your success as you reach your mini-goals. Don’t worry about time. Once you start losing weight, this becomes much easier to do, that is a promise. 😀

Happy Dieting, see you tomorrow

The Grumpy Man

In It To Win It!

Those of you who were part of the May challenge didn’t see me bring my “A” game. Now that some money is on the line I am bringing it. I learned from my mistakes in the office challenge so I could even beat Gail with the game I am bringing to this challenge. 😛

Name Initial Weight August 3rd
AbbieWatters 285
Betty Not Posting
Elisa 208
FitBy40Ms 257.4
Food Addict 197.2
J 168.5
Kadel 180.5
Kathie 269
ManIsMyShadow 282.4
Sam 178
Shonnie 182
SkinnyCat64 165
Slim Joan 181.8
Testing True Change 187
The Grumpy Man 185
Tiffany 280

For everyone playing along, I will need your next weigh-in by Friday, August 3rd. You can weigh-in at any point in the week, but I must have your weight by the end of the work week. Oh, and anyone out there that still wants to join the fun, you have until August 1st to make your initial weigh-in.  The only problem is the whole shebang may already be over by the end of next week. 😛

I’ve dropped a pile of water weight since last Sunday. Heck, I didn’t even tell you my real high water mark that I hit last Saturday & Sunday. I should be entering full-blown Atkins Ketosis sometime tomorrow which should drain even more water out of my system. I’m not sure about that though because I lost 5 pounds in the 2 days before the contest started and that had to be pretty much all water.

Weight Statistics


One thing I need to do is start counting my darn sweet n low intake. If I am going to stay below 20 carbs a day for 60 days I am going to have to stop using so darn much sweet n low. I wish I could just drink water for 60 days but that would kill me. I need my coffee to make life tolerable. 😛

Hey! 7 whole days without ice cream. First time in 2 months that I have gone 7 days without ice cream. It is going to take some extreme willpower to stay away from the fruit basket this week. I think after a week, I’ll be fine. Those darn donuts were looking mighty tasty yesterday. 😦

I’m not sure where my sweet tooth came from. I wish it would go away.

It was the salty and savory snack that got me up to my peak weight. Somehow that switched to a sweet tooth. Heck, I don’t even crave Taco Bell like I used to.  Now my brain only wants cookies, cake and ice cream.

Today’s Menu

Breakfast – Pork loin with cheese

Lunch – Pork loin with cheese

Dinner – Baked chicken with salad

Snack – Bacon, pork loin with cheese

Calories – 1450

I was over at my dad’s house for a Game Of Thrones Season 2 marathon and he had a very annoying Apple Pie sitting on his kitchen table. That darn thing kept screaming at me all day. I was able to stop myself from diving into the pie by eating some bacon. Each time I felt my willpower waning, I grabbed a couple of pieces of bacon.

UpComing Challenges

I have another Webinar lunch on Monday. I’m not sure what I will eat or if I will eat. My best option might be to skip eating the lunch. Next Saturday I am off to Casa Garcia for my sister and my dad’s birthday lunch. That will be tough keeping my hands away from the chips, salsa and bean dip. I know they have a grilled chicken dish with onions and peppers so there is at least one safe item on the menu. On top of those challenges will be the normal Wednesday lunch and Friday donuts not to mention all the random items left on the grazing table.

Happy Dieting, get to work!

The Grumpy Man

The Weight Loss Olympics!


Well, almost. We are still anxiously awaiting the initial weigh-in from Shonnie. Oh wait, she just posted.

FINAL NOTICE – Even though I said today was the last day, I think I will extend the deadline to enter. If anyone else out there wants to join in on the FUN (PAIN), you have until August 1.

Name Initial Weight
AbbieWatters 285
Betty In Spirit
Elisa 208
FitBy40Ms 257.4
Food Addict 197.2
J 168.5
Kadel 180.5
Kathie 269
ManIsMyShadow 282.4
Sam 178
Shonnie 182
SkinnyCat64 165
Slim Joan 181.8
Testing True Change 187
The Grumpy Man 185
Tiffany 280

Whoops! Sorry Abbie, I got the name fixed. I forgot to change it in the spreadsheet and reposted the wrong name. 😀

How is that for perfect timing? I had no idea that the Olympics started today!!! Inspiration for all of us!!!

I’m taking the gold medal! 😛

Weight Statistics


If I can keep up that pace I will mop the floor with all of you. 😛

Today’s Menu

Breakfast – Pork loin and cheese

Lunch – Chipotle Caesar Salad

Dinner – Baked Chicken

Snack – Too Much Fruit

Calories – 1650

I continued to  pound down the fruit to boost my immune system. Last night I was MISERABLE, but I think I am finally over the hump. I felt fine all day, stopped coughing and blowing my nose every 3 seconds.

The first hurdle today was of course the DONUTS BOMBARDMENT!

Bear claws as big as a Frisbee. 4 giant boxes full of all sorts of evil donuts including my nemesis, the cake donuts! This stinking temptation was with me all day. At closing time, there were still 5 donuts left.

I was in charge of hosting a Webinar over lunch. I thought a salad would be the best item to order on the menu.  Silly Rabbit…..

I was way wrong about that. I ordered a Chipotle Caesar Salad. After lunch I looked up the nutritional information. I picked the absolute worst item on the menu. The wraps had less than half the calories of the salad. Shame on Roly Poly

for listing the nutritional information for the salad dressing on a separate page from the actual salads. Shame Shame Shame.

The salad was 530 calories and it appears the 2 giant tubs of dressing were probably around 360.  I thought I was eating a healthy meal, but instead I tore up 900 calories with over 1200 mgs of sodium.

Tip Of The Day

Beware. Some items that are normally healthy, are juiced up calories and sodium when you get them at a restaurant. If the menu doesn’t list the item as a “Healthy Choice” then chances are, it isn’t one.

Try to steer your restaurant trips to places with verifiable healthy options. Check online menus before heading out.

Happy Dieting, see you tomorrow

The Grumpy Man