Crashing To A Halt

The weight loss came crashing to a halt and stalled today. In fact, I gained  a tiny amount. Probably a result of some late night eating and too many calories.  I need to get up to the levee for a good long ride on Monday to get things moving again.

Yawn! I’ve been sleeping off and on all day because I was up super late last night and the time change always knocks my body clock out of sync for a few days.

Weight Statistics


Looks like all the water weight is gone so the easy weight loss is over. I need to keep my calories lower and I need to get more consistent with my exercise to lose more weight and put some pressure on Shonnie and OptifastLoser in the Big T-Giving Competition.

Yesterday’s Meal Plan

Breakfast – Turkey burgers and cheese

Lunch – Bacon and eggs with cheese

Dinner – Baked chicken with salad

Snack – Cheese sticks, Turkey burger with cheese, baked chicken

Calories – 2,000

Biking – 0

Net Calories – 2000

The LSU game had me all wound up so I couldn’t get to sleep until super late last night. I was super hungry and the evil side of my brain wanted to hit up some fast.  Instead of heading out, I chowed down on some Atkins approved food. Better than hitting Taco Bell but the calorie and sodium count were too high.

It also appears that those darn turkey burgers are going to be a problem. They taste too darn good so I am going to have an extremely tough time keeping to my portion limit.

Biking Update

No ride on Saturday. I just couldn’t seem to get the energy or motivation to head out for a ride.

I wanted to head out for 4 rides last week, but only got out for 3 rides for a total of 30 miles. Hopefully, I can get 4 rides done this week.

Tip Of The Day

Be sure you are drinking enough water. Your body needs water to burn off and convert fat to energy so make sure you drink you 64 ounces a day.

I am not a huge fan of water. I did drink nothing but water for about the first 9 months of my diet. Then I started drinking some coffee and then some zero calorie crystal light type drinks.

Some people are worried that coffee can lead to stalls in your weight loss. Maybe true for some people but I’ve dropped an additional 70 pounds since I started drinking coffee.

Whatever you decide to drink, make sure it is low-calorie and low carb. Stop drinking those sugary death bombs. I used to drink a TON TON TON of coke.  In 20 months, I have cheated plenty of times, but I still haven’t had a coke since I started my diet. It would probably taste like syrup.

Drink your water and make sure you stay away from sugar bombs.

Happy Dieting, see you tomorrow

PS: I posted this last night and it showed up on my FB page but it didn’t show up on WordPress until this morning. Not sure what happened. WordPress has been a bit buggy the last couple of days.

The Grumpy Man

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7 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Glad to hear you come out in favor of caffeine while dieting – or at least, offer proof that weight can still be lost while consuming it. I drink lots of diet coke and have lost weight while doing so. I don’t think I could give up my caffeine!

    • Drinking diet drinks is far better than the alternative so I am not anti diet coke or similar drinks. The atkins book does warn that caffeine can stimulate hunger and maybe it does but the energy boost I get offsets any negatives. 😀

      And as you pointed out, I was still able to drop from 235 to 165 while drinking a pot a day. It is possible it made things more difficult and it could be one of those things that hits some people harder than others.

      As for coffee, I went from being a non-drinker straight to a pot a day. Maybe not the healthiest thing to do but I love me some coffee. 😀

  2. Hey … I am on your tail buddy! I’m not droppin water weight either … well at least that is what the scale at the clinic says — fat is fallin off! Yea! 😀

    Better stay away from them Taco Bell urges–that would be a NOT fun way to beat you–cuz of CHEATING! This has to be the real deal win. 🙂

    • I’m going to smoke you guys so badly, my parents are going to be holding an intervention for me to stop by T-Giving. 😀

      I haven’t been on a ride in several days and I think there is a zillion % chance of rain tomorrow so that is holding me back a bit.

      • Hey … how do you know I won’t smoke you??? hehehe!

    • Glad to see the weight is coming off again. Ed’s competition is working for you. Hopefully it is working for Ed. I have no doubt it will work for me and have me at a new low in time for T-Giving festivities.

      • Thanks … I will be pushing straight on through to Christimas with this challenge. 😀 I wanna get to my goal and be done with this…ready to play hard like I want to. 😀

        This whole restricted exercise thing is for the BIRDS!

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