Short Post


I just got home a little while ago so I don’t have much time tonight to ramble. I had a great day at work. Just being back in the work force is fantastic. 😀

I did get a lot of sleep last night because I think I fell asleep before 10pm.  I probably will be sound asleep in just a few minutes.

I don’t want to be late for work and I am afraid I might hit the snooze button without thinking, so I currently have my alarm clock, 2 computers and my cell phone all set to screech at 5:45am. 😀

No way I can sleep through all of that and by the time I turn off 4 alarms I am up. 😀

Weight Statistic


I had a little tick up this morning, but I was expecting that after all the sodium from lunch yesterday.

I had a better lunch today so I DEMAND a drop tomorrow. 😛

Yesterday’s Menu

Breakfast – Turkey burger with cheese

Lunch – Sausage, chicken and salad

Dinner – Chicken with salad

Calories – 1750

The calories were a tad high but not too bad considering all of the food in the company kitchen.

If you didn’t notice, the biking was removed. Until I get settled with the job, exercise is going to take a bit of a hit. 😛

Tip Of The Day

Don’t skip meals!

There are two good reasons to make sure you eat at LEAST three meals a day.

1. It keeps the metabolism burning or so I have read. 😀

2. Skipping meals leads to hunger which can lead to some very bad choices.

I skipped lunch today although not on purpose. I just kept rolling along working away and next thing I knew it was 6pm.

Make sure you have 3 square meals and at least one small snack a day.

Happy Dieting, see you tomorrow




The Grumpy Man