Milestone Monday!!!

Time to celebrate!  The big 200 has been cracked. I haven’t been under 200 in at least 26 years. Next stop 185 and then on to my final goal of 175.  As Kool & The Gang best said it…… “Celebrate Good Time, come on!”


Yesterday’s Meal Plan

Breakfast – Chicken & onions

Lunch – Eggs, slice of cheese, bacon

Dinner – Hamburger patty with salad

Snack – string cheese, bacon

Calories – Around 1200

Once again I was really hungry last night. I had an extra bacon snack. Bacon violates my rule of thumb on snacks. It is too darn tasty to have around. I think I’m already about 3 or 4 portions down from where I should be. Maybe I need to find another meat source to go with my eggs. Maybe Canadian bacon slices or pork slices.

Not sure why I have been hungry the last few days. I do think once I start riding the bike daily I will probably need to add a few more calories into the mix.

Bike Update

I really should learn to take my own advice at some point. 😀

Yesterday I said I wouldn’t head up to the levee until I had regained my bike balance and control. Well, I of course then took the bike right up to the levee.

The wind was killing me. Blowing right at me and nearly holding me in place.  I think people were walking faster than me.

Small children on the tricycles were blowing past me and giving me a kick and ugly glare as they passed. I need to lose weight so I can pedal that sucker easier.

I did ride a little bit longer than the last ride but I probably only rode about 1.5 miles (total 3 miles) before turning around. Coming back was much easier with the wind at my back so I decided to see how fast I could get the bike moving at which point I flew off the pavement and onto the grass. 😀

No injuries or wipeouts, just a red face from embarrassment. 😀

Good thing I did that on the grass side and not the pavement. I would be writing this post from the hospital had I done that on the pavement side because it is a much steeper grade. Another lesson learned.

The hardest part of the ride occurs once I am back at the apartment. I have to lug the bike up to the third floor with Jello legs and all worn out. Here are a couple of pictures. I am still having a tough time getting good pictures with my mp3 player.

There is a tiny sliver of the bike road. Lots of creepy trees hiding the view of the mighty Mississippi.

And thar she blows! The Huffy Savannah bike. My only beef with the bike is the horrible seat adjustment. It is impossible to raise the seat. I’ve tried 3 times and it always falls back to the lowest spot the second I climb on. 😦

Maybe once I get down a few more pounds the stupid seat will stay in place.

Tip Of The Day

I am saying this tip over and over in my head to try to make me follow through.

Don’t over do it!

I’ve said this before and I will say it again. I need to say it and read it over and over to try to drill it into my stubborn head.

We all have trouble with moderation. Even when it comes to diet and exercise we tend to go overboard. This leads to burnout and giving up.

I think I said this recently but I need the tip today because I’m already planning these long bike rides yet I can barely pedal as fast as a kid on a tricycle and I have zero stamina.

I need to tamp down that enthusiasm just a tad and slowly work my way back into a semblance of shape.

Slow and steady really can help you win the diet race. So take it slow and steady to avoid burnout.

I’m just going to try to go a little further each day. Maybe once a week on Saturday I will try  a longer ride but every other day I will just slowly try to build a little more stamina.

Happy Dieting, see you tomorrow

The Grumpy Man

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24 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. ONEderland! Congratulations! Awesome. And be more careful on that bike of yours!

    • Thanks. Believe me, each lesson learned on the bike will be remembered. 😀

  2. Congrats!!!! What a big milestone! You must feel great to be in the one hundreds! I am so happy for you!

  3. 199 and Feelin’ Fine! Woo-hoo!! Way to go!

  4. You lucky duck! Congrats..can’t wait to post the same thing some day!

  5. First off, Grats on you milestone. Hopefully I will be celebrating this same victory in a year or so.

    As for the bike seat. Is the post smooth or does it have machined diamond like grooves or texture to it. If it’s not textured, you might go by a bike shop and see about getting a different one.

    A couple bike tricks for seat post (1) it sounds stupid but try rubbing the seat post with sidewalk caulk. Get a good coating on it on stick it back in. (2)paper shim (3)put a hose clamp around the seatpost just above the post clap. It’ll take a stess of the clamp.

    It shouldn’t slip if tightened correctly, especially at 200 pounds (grats again). If it is infact textured and the chalk doesn’t work I would run it by a bike shop and have them look at the clamp. I know a lot of Walmart bikes have quick releases post clamps. It may not be adjusted right. Most bike shop guys are very cool and will help you even if you didn’t purchase a bike from them.

    Good luck!!! I hope you get it figured out and can enjoy your bike. This is such a great time of year to ride here on the Gulf Coast.

    • Thanks.

      I was reading another blog and the guy mentioned having problems with his seat but he finally took the time to really look at it and fix it. So I took a good look at it and realized I was not pushing the clamp far enough. With the clamp tightened all the way, the seat doesn’t move at all. So done and done. I just didn’t have the clamp set the right way.

      Thanks for the tips though. Now I just need to get in good enough shape to ride for more than 2 seconds. 😀

      • Great news. I envy you and your bike. I so want one but realize I need to lose a bit more weight before I make the investment. Maybe by the end of Summer here. Enjoy! I here it takes a couple weeks to really get back in the saddle.

      • I definitely don’t have the same balance I used to. I guess I’ll relearn that while I am rebuilding muscles that have been dormant for 20 years.

  6. Congrats!

  7. Raising my glass to you…congrats! I am hoping to be there soon! : )

  8. Congratulations! What an incredible achievement!

  9. That is great news! What a wonderful gift to yourself! 🙂 1200 calories a day seems very low for a man. That’s as low as I ever go for weight loss. My hubby is 5′ 9″ and eats a minimum of 1700 calories when trying to lose weight and he loses very quickly doing that. I know everyone is different, but you may not be getting enough to eat, and that can slow down weight loss. Your body will hang onto calories if they are too scarce. Good luck to you this week!

    • Thanks. I may add a few calories now that I am riding a bike. I imagine once I actually start riding I’ll need a few more calories to make it through the day.

  10. Congratulations! BRAVO! I salute you with non-fattening spirits and good cheer!

    Well done; you’ve a lot to be proud of! You’re an inspiration as we struggle along. 🙂

  11. YESSS!!!! Well done on reaching the milestone 🙂 I can’t wait till I’m there!

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