Worn Out Wednesday

No not me. I know I just had a birthday back on the 7th. Today is the 1 year birthday of my diet.  ONE WHOLE YEAR!!! 😀

Who the heck has a diet that can get birthday gifts? Me, that’s who.

The last year has been a real pain in the you know what but it has of course been worth all the effort and sacrifice.  I don’t think the diet will see 2 years, but I can start on maintenance and hopefully maintenance will live a long happy prosperous life. 😀


Yesterday’s Meal Plan

Breakfast – Chicken and onions

Lunch – Big salad

Dinner – Hamburger patty, cheese slice, salad

Snack – String cheese

Calories – Under 1200

I couldn’t force myself to eat eggs today. Yesterday I had to drink a big gulp of water to get them down. I can’t stand them.  The bacon ran out because I kept using it for snacks too.  So I need to hit the store for some bacon and maybe a new snack.  Not sure what I can snack on in induction.  Maybe raw broccoli or cauliflower.

Bike Update

Road marker 290 – approx 5 miles.

I walk out of my apartment with the bike, climb up to the levee and see a flag that looks exactly like the one to the right. No movement at all. I wait a bit. Still no movement.

I head off in my normal direction and for the first time, I am not riding into the eye of a hurricane.

I felt good enough to continue several road markers past my last ride.  I didn’t have to shift to the lowest gear to get through the wind and small children pulling their red wagons did not pass me today.

Other bikers?  The blew past me like I was 92 using a walker. 😀  An overweight 90-year-old lady zipped past me like she was on a motor scooter.

Here are a few pictures from my ride out.

The Road Out

The Mighty Mississippi


A Spectacular Shot Of The Pavement
The Road Home

This leads us to my adventure getting back home.  That flag up near the top of the post. It lied!!!

I turn around after about 2.5 miles and to my horror. WIND! Where did that come from. Heck, I only did 3 miles total yesterday and now I need to do 2.5 miles back to my apartment in the wind.

That was not a pleasant experience. My legs were like rubber by the time I got back. Most of the ride back was in just about the lowest gear.  Even the tortoise decided slow and steady was too slow.

The good news is that I survived a nice 5 mile trek. Today I may shoot for the same distance.  Maybe the whole week I will go for 5 miles until Saturday when I will push it a bit.

I’ve decided I will have a normal ride during most of the week, then on Saturdays I will push the distance a bit followed by a rest on Sunday. I might toss another rest day in there. Maybe Wednesday but not this week. Maybe once I start hitting longer distances I will give myself  two days to rest during the week.

Tip Of The Day

Coke and all other sweet drinks need to go. Even if you aren’t low carbing.

These things are fueling obesity in America with the evil high fructose corn syrup. It is too easy to drink 2 to 4 of these things a day for a total of over 500 worthless sugar packed calories.

I was a big coke drinker.  I was hooked on the stuff, but to tell the truth it wasn’t that hard to completely remove it from my diet. I am not sure if I have had one coke in the last year. I’ve only had a few diet sodas and those were when I was at the home of friends or family. I always get iced tea when out at a restaurant.

Those sugar bombs are not worth the damage they do to your body.

I have to admit, I hate drinking water but I’ve been doing it for 1 year with not much trouble.  You can jazz it up with a lemon or lime twist. I’ve heard green tea has some healthy benefits.  I started and stopped with green tea because Atkins frowns on caffeine.  Mainly because caffeine can stimulate hunger, although I didn’t notice an increase in hunger during my coffee binges.

Find something other than the sugar bomb sodas that you can drink and run with it.  Cut that sugar completely out of your diet and never look back.

I do admit I am tempted to try a coke after a year just to see what it would taste like now. Probably taste like drinking a can of whipped cream.

Stay away Mr. Sugar Bombs!

Happy Dieting, see you tomorrow


The Grumpy Man

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7 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Congrats on the one year mark.
    I wish you a lean second year….

    • Thanks. And thanks for helping me fix my bike seat. Your blog made me take another look at my seat and I figured out what I was doing wrong.

      Keep up your good work.

  2. Congrats! And thanks for all your tips and encouragement on my diet plans too!

  3. You sir are a monster! Why too go on the 5 mile ride. Also, congrats on your one year mark.

    Have you shared your chicken and onions recipe? I am always curious as to what the successful folks like you are eating.

    Keep up the great work. I love following your progress.

    • Ha! Thanks.

      My recipes aren’t very appealing. I am on a low sodium diet and I am restricted by budget and atkins.

      I wouldn’t wish my menu on my worst enemy. 😀

      The problem with the recent batch of chicken was the bay leaf, too much water and cooked it way to long which really made the bay leaf problem exponentially worse.

      All I do is chop some onions, toss in some garlic powder, mrs dash tomato and basil, a little srirracha sauce and a little Worcestershire sauce. Stir that all up and toss the chicken in and let the crock pot cook it. Oh I add some water to make a bit of broth. This time I added WAYYYY too much water so it was nothing but watery bay leaf flavor.

      If I could grill at my apartment I would do that all the time. Grilled chicken would be 1000000 times better.

  4. Happy Birthday. Keep up the good work. And don’t forget to eat lots of fruits and vegies and drink lots of water!

    • Can’t eat any fruit on Atkins which is what I have been doing. I’ve taken a few breaks from atkins and added some fruit in but at the current time I am back on Atkins.

      Thanks. 😀

      Oh, I do drink tons of water.

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