Wet Wednesday

More rain.

Rain doesn’t matter much today because it is Wednesday which I always take off from my ride.

Biking Update

My ride on Tuesday went pretty good except my water bottle popped open and spilled out all of my water before I noticed it.

Good thing it was just a 10 mile ride.

Road Marker 410 – 10 Miles

Once again it was overcast with almost no sun or wind, so optimal ride conditions.

Weight Statistics


Whoops forgot to weigh before having my coffee and eating lunch. I slept late because I couldn’t sleep at all last night.

Yesterday’s Meal Plan

Breakfast – Broiled chicken

Lunch – Avocado salad

Dinner – Broiled chicken and salad

Snack – Broiled chicken, salad and string cheese

Calories – 1600

Too many calories, but after my ride it was just about 1200 net calories.

Tip Of The Day

Stay away from Sugar Bombs known as soft drinks. Empty calories that can really add up.

I used to drink two to three cans a day. Some days even more.  I thought there was no way I would be able to give it up.

I hate water so it just seemed an impossible task to go from sugary greatness to water. As impossible as it seemed, I was able to drop coke without much problem. For most of the first ten months all I did was drink water.

In November, I picked up Coffee and some Green Tea with splenda.

Caffeine can cause hunger in some people, so water is best. I drink plenty of water, coffee and tea.

I probably drink about 128 ounces of water and coffee a day. Most people state that you should drink at least 64 ounces a day. I have no problem blowing past that number.

With my bike riding, staying hydrated is super important. Make sure you drink at least 64 ounces and stay away from the sugar.

Happy Dieting, see you tomorrow



The Grumpy Man

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Coke is a terrible thang. I have tried to give it up completely but every few days I can’t resist a Diet Coke with Lime. One thing I once read about Coke — The distributer’s of Coke use the Syrup to clean the engines of those large delivery trucks. I figure if it can clean a giant diesel truck – think of what it is doing inside your body. That pretty much cured me — eh, er, um — except for that one Diet Coke with Lime…

    • Diet coke isn’t so bad. Yes it is still full of wonderful chemicals but if the alternative is a full sugar bomb, then a diet soda isn’t bad. I’ve had a few over the last 15 months but mostly I stick to water and coffee.

  2. I still have my diet cokes, but now I have WAY more water, tea, and soda water with lime. Make me feel better too. Diet drinks have just too much JUNK in them. Good tip. We had rain yesterday, I sure hope we have some more. I LOVE going on long rides in the rain. It is like having airconditioning! Yeah! As long as it is not driving rain – that stings!

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